Excel(엑셀)Laravel/Nova 2021. 12. 4. 14:55반응형SMALL
# What?
라라벨 노바전용 엑셀
# How?
composer require maatwebsite/laravel-nova-excel
* php8이상 쓸 경우
1) php.ini 파일에서 ";extension=gd"를 "extension=gd"로 변경
2) composer require phpoffice/phpspreadsheet
3) composer require maatwebsite/laravel-nova-excel
1. 액션 세팅하기
php artisan nova:action ExportModels
@ ExportModels(extends DownloadExcel, implements WithMapping, withFilename)
<?php namespace App\Nova\Actions; ... class ExportApplications extends DownloadExcel implements WithMapping { use InteractsWithQueue, Queueable; public function map($model): array { $this->withFilename($model->applicationable->title." 지원내역.xlsx"); return [ $model->admin->name, $model->admin->contact, $model->admin->email ]; } }
2. Nova resource에 액션 추가하기(withHeadings)
@ Model.php
... public function actions(Request $request) { return [ (new ExportApplications())->withHeadings("이름", "연락처", "이메일")->canSee(function($date){ return auth()->user()->master; }) ]; }
https://docs.laravel-excel.com/nova/1.x/exports/ 참고
🚀 5 minute quick start | Laravel Excel
🚀 5 minute quick start 💡 Require this package in the composer.json of your Laravel project. This will download the package and Laravel Excel. composer require maatwebsite/laravel-nova-excel 1 💪 Go to your Nova resource. As example we'll use the ap
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