
  • Localization(다국어 지원)
    Laravel/Nova 2020. 10. 14. 17:00

    - nova resource, card 등 언어설정

    @resources/lang/vendor/nova 밑의 ko 폴더, ko.json 만들어서 번역

        "Actions": "작업",
        "Details": "상세",
        "If you did not request a password reset, no further action is required.": "If you did not request a password reset, no further action is required.",
        "Reset Password": "비밀번호 초기화",
        "Sorry! You are not authorized to perform this action.": "이 작업을 수행할 권한이 없습니다.",
        "You are receiving this email because we received a password reset request for your account.": "You are receiving this email because we received a password reset request for your account.",
        "Confirm Password": "비밀번호 확인",
        "Dashboard": "대시보드",
        "Email Address": "이메일",
        "Forgot Your Password?": "비밀번호 초기화",
        "Forgot your password?": "비밀번호 초기화",
        "Login": "로그인",
        "Logout": "로그아웃",
        "Register": "회원가입",
        "Password": "비밀번호",
        "Remember Me": "아이디 기억",
        "Resources": "자료",
        "Send Password Reset Link": "비밀번호 초기화 메일 발송",
        "Welcome Back!": "어서오세요!",
        "Delete Resource": "자료 삭제",
        "Delete": "삭제",
        "Detach Resource": "자료 연관관계 해제",
        "Detach": "연관관계 해제",
        "Detach Selected": "선택목록 연관관계 해제",
        "Delete Selected": "선택목록 삭제",
        "Force Delete Selected": "Force Delete Selected",
        "Restore Selected": "Restore Selected",
        "Restore Resource": "Restore Resource",
        "Restore": "Restore",
        "Force Delete Resource": "Force Delete Resource",
        "Force Delete": "Force Delete",
        "The :resource was created!": ":resource(이)가 생성되었습니다!",
        "Are you sure you want to delete this resource?": "정말로 삭제하시겠습니까?",
        "Are you sure you want to delete the selected resources?": "정말로 삭제하시겠습니까?",
        "Are you sure you want to detach this resource?": "정말로 연관관계를 해제하시겠습니까?",
        "Are you sure you want to detach the selected resources?": "정말로 연관관계를 해제하시겠습니까?",
        "Are you sure you want to force delete this resource?": "Are you sure you want to force delete this resource?",
        "Are you sure you want to force delete the selected resources?": "Are you sure you want to force delete the selected resources?",
        "Are you sure you want to restore this resource?": "Are you sure you want to restore this resource?",
        "Are you sure you want to restore the selected resources?": "Are you sure you want to restore the selected resources?",
        "No :resource matched the given criteria.": "검색조건에 일치하는 :resource(이)가 없습니다.",
        "Another user has updated this resource since this page was loaded. Please refresh the page and try again.": "Another user has updated this resource since this page was loaded. Please refresh the page and try again.",
        "Are you sure you want to delete this file?": "Are you sure you want to delete this file?",
        "Are you sure you want to run this action?": "정말로 작업을 수행하시겠습니까?",
        "Attach": "연관관계 추가",
        "Attach & Attach Another": "연관관계 추가 후 계속",
        "Cancel": "취소",
        "Choose": "선택",
        "Choose File": "파일 선택",
        "Choose Type": "유형 선택",
        "Choose an option": "옵션 선택",
        "Click to choose": "클릭하여 선택",
        "Reset Filters": "필터 초기화",
        "Create": "생성",
        "Create & Add Another": "생성 후 계속",
        "Delete File": "파일 삭제",
        "Edit": "수정",
        "Edit Attached": "연관관계 수정",
        "Go Home": "홈",
        "Hold Up!": "잠시만요!",
        "Lens": "Lens",
        "New": "새로운",
        "Next": "다음",
        "Only Trashed": "Only Trashed",
        "Per Page": "페이지당",
        "Preview": "미리보기",
        "Previous": "이전",
        "No Data": "데이터 없음",
        "No Current Data": "현재 데이터 없음",
        "No Prior Data": "이전 데이터 없음",
        "No Increase": "상승 없음",
        "No Results Found.": "찾은 결과가 없습니다.",
        "Run Action": "작업 실행",
        "Select Action": "작업 선택",
        "Search": "검색",
        "Press / to search": "검색하기",
        "Select All": "전체 선택",
        "Select All Matching": "현재 페이지 전체 선택",
        "Something went wrong.": "오류가 있습니다.",
        "The action ran successfully!": "작업이 성공적으로 처리되었습니다!",
        "The government won't let us show you what's behind these doors": "The government won't let us show you what's behind these doors",
        "This image": "이미지",
        "Update": "수정",
        "Update & Continue Editing": "수정 후 계속",
        "View": "자세히 보기",
        "We're lost in space. The page you were trying to view does not exist.": "We're lost in space. The page you were trying to view does not exist.",
        "Show Content": "내용 보기",
        "Hide Content": "내용 숨기기",
        "Whoops": "이런",
        "Whoops!": "이런!",
        "With Trashed": "With Trashed",
        "Trashed": "Trashed",
        "Write": "작성",
        "could not be found.": "찾을 수 없습니다.",
        "total": "전체",
        "January": "1월",
        "February": "2월",
        "March": "3월",
        "April": "4월",
        "May": "5월",
        "June": "6월",
        "July": "7월",
        "August": "8월",
        "September": "9월",
        "October": "10월",
        "November": "11월",
        "December": "12월",
        "Afghanistan": "Afghanistan",
        "Aland Islands": "Åland Islands",
        "Albania": "Albania",
        "Algeria": "Algeria",
        "American Samoa": "American Samoa",
        "Andorra": "Andorra",
        "Angola": "Angola",
        "Anguilla": "Anguilla",
        "Antarctica": "Antarctica",
        "Antigua And Barbuda": "Antigua and Barbuda",
        "Argentina": "Argentina",
        "Armenia": "Armenia",
        "Aruba": "Aruba",
        "Australia": "Australia",
        "Austria": "Austria",
        "Azerbaijan": "Azerbaijan",
        "Bahamas": "Bahamas",
        "Bahrain": "Bahrain",
        "Bangladesh": "Bangladesh",
        "Barbados": "Barbados",
        "Belarus": "Belarus",
        "Belgium": "Belgium",
        "Belize": "Belize",
        "Benin": "Benin",
        "Bermuda": "Bermuda",
        "Bhutan": "Bhutan",
        "Bolivia": "Bolivia",
        "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba",
        "Bosnia And Herzegovina": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
        "Botswana": "Botswana",
        "Bouvet Island": "Bouvet Island",
        "Brazil": "Brazil",
        "British Indian Ocean Territory": "British Indian Ocean Territory",
        "Brunei Darussalam": "Brunei",
        "Bulgaria": "Bulgaria",
        "Burkina Faso": "Burkina Faso",
        "Burundi": "Burundi",
        "Cambodia": "Cambodia",
        "Cameroon": "Cameroon",
        "Canada": "Canada",
        "Cape Verde": "Cape Verde",
        "Cayman Islands": "Cayman Islands",
        "Central African Republic": "Central African Republic",
        "Chad": "Chad",
        "Chile": "Chile",
        "China": "China",
        "Christmas Island": "Christmas Island",
        "Cocos (Keeling) Islands": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
        "Colombia": "Colombia",
        "Comoros": "Comoros",
        "Congo": "Congo",
        "Congo, Democratic Republic": "Congo, Democratic Republic",
        "Cook Islands": "Cook Islands",
        "Costa Rica": "Costa Rica",
        "Cote D'Ivoire": "Côte d'Ivoire",
        "Croatia": "Croatia",
        "Cuba": "Cuba",
        "Curaçao": "Curaçao",
        "Cyprus": "Cyprus",
        "Czech Republic": "Czechia",
        "Denmark": "Denmark",
        "Djibouti": "Djibouti",
        "Dominica": "Dominica",
        "Dominican Republic": "Dominican Republic",
        "Ecuador": "Ecuador",
        "Egypt": "Egypt",
        "El Salvador": "El Salvador",
        "Equatorial Guinea": "Equatorial Guinea",
        "Eritrea": "Eritrea",
        "Estonia": "Estonia",
        "Ethiopia": "Ethiopia",
        "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)": "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",
        "Faroe Islands": "Faroe Islands",
        "Fiji": "Fiji",
        "Finland": "Finland",
        "France": "France",
        "French Guiana": "French Guiana",
        "French Polynesia": "French Polynesia",
        "French Southern Territories": "French Southern Territories",
        "Gabon": "Gabon",
        "Gambia": "Gambia",
        "Georgia": "Georgia",
        "Germany": "Germany",
        "Ghana": "Ghana",
        "Gibraltar": "Gibraltar",
        "Greece": "Greece",
        "Greenland": "Greenland",
        "Grenada": "Grenada",
        "Guadeloupe": "Guadeloupe",
        "Guam": "Guam",
        "Guatemala": "Guatemala",
        "Guernsey": "Guernsey",
        "Guinea": "Guinea",
        "Guinea-Bissau": "Guinea-Bissau",
        "Guyana": "Guyana",
        "Haiti": "Haiti",
        "Heard Island & Mcdonald Islands": "Heard Island and McDonald Islands",
        "Holy See (Vatican City State)": "Vatican City",
        "Honduras": "Honduras",
        "Hong Kong": "Hong Kong",
        "Hungary": "Hungary",
        "Iceland": "Iceland",
        "India": "India",
        "Indonesia": "Indonesia",
        "Iran, Islamic Republic Of": "Iran",
        "Iraq": "Iraq",
        "Ireland": "Ireland",
        "Isle Of Man": "Isle of Man",
        "Israel": "Israel",
        "Italy": "Italy",
        "Jamaica": "Jamaica",
        "Japan": "Japan",
        "Jersey": "Jersey",
        "Jordan": "Jordan",
        "Kazakhstan": "Kazakhstan",
        "Kenya": "Kenya",
        "Kiribati": "Kiribati",
        "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of": "North Korea",
        "Korea": "South Korea",
        "Kosovo": "Kosovo",
        "Kuwait": "Kuwait",
        "Kyrgyzstan": "Kyrgyzstan",
        "Lao People's Democratic Republic": "Laos",
        "Latvia": "Latvia",
        "Lebanon": "Lebanon",
        "Lesotho": "Lesotho",
        "Liberia": "Liberia",
        "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya": "Libya",
        "Liechtenstein": "Liechtenstein",
        "Lithuania": "Lithuania",
        "Luxembourg": "Luxembourg",
        "Macao": "Macao",
        "Macedonia": "North Macedonia",
        "Madagascar": "Madagascar",
        "Malawi": "Malawi",
        "Malaysia": "Malaysia",
        "Maldives": "Maldives",
        "Mali": "Mali",
        "Malta": "Malta",
        "Marshall Islands": "Marshall Islands",
        "Martinique": "Martinique",
        "Mauritania": "Mauritania",
        "Mauritius": "Mauritius",
        "Mayotte": "Mayotte",
        "Mexico": "Mexico",
        "Micronesia, Federated States Of": "Micronesia",
        "Moldova": "Moldova",
        "Monaco": "Monaco",
        "Mongolia": "Mongolia",
        "Montenegro": "Montenegro",
        "Montserrat": "Montserrat",
        "Morocco": "Morocco",
        "Mozambique": "Mozambique",
        "Myanmar": "Myanmar",
        "Namibia": "Namibia",
        "Nauru": "Nauru",
        "Nepal": "Nepal",
        "Netherlands": "Netherlands",
        "New Caledonia": "New Caledonia",
        "New Zealand": "New Zealand",
        "Nicaragua": "Nicaragua",
        "Niger": "Niger",
        "Nigeria": "Nigeria",
        "Niue": "Niue",
        "Norfolk Island": "Norfolk Island",
        "Northern Mariana Islands": "Northern Mariana Islands",
        "Norway": "Norway",
        "Oman": "Oman",
        "Pakistan": "Pakistan",
        "Palau": "Palau",
        "Palestinian Territory, Occupied": "Palestinian Territories",
        "Panama": "Panama",
        "Papua New Guinea": "Papua New Guinea",
        "Paraguay": "Paraguay",
        "Peru": "Peru",
        "Philippines": "Philippines",
        "Pitcairn": "Pitcairn Islands",
        "Poland": "Poland",
        "Portugal": "Portugal",
        "Puerto Rico": "Puerto Rico",
        "Qatar": "Qatar",
        "Reunion": "Réunion",
        "Romania": "Romania",
        "Russian Federation": "Russia",
        "Rwanda": "Rwanda",
        "Saint Barthelemy": "St. Barthélemy",
        "Saint Helena": "St. Helena",
        "Saint Kitts And Nevis": "St. Kitts and Nevis",
        "Saint Lucia": "St. Lucia",
        "Saint Martin": "St. Martin",
        "Saint Pierre And Miquelon": "St. Pierre and Miquelon",
        "Saint Vincent And Grenadines": "St. Vincent and Grenadines",
        "Samoa": "Samoa",
        "San Marino": "San Marino",
        "Sao Tome And Principe": "São Tomé and Príncipe",
        "Saudi Arabia": "Saudi Arabia",
        "Senegal": "Senegal",
        "Serbia": "Serbia",
        "Seychelles": "Seychelles",
        "Sierra Leone": "Sierra Leone",
        "Singapore": "Singapore",
        "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)": "Sint Maarten",
        "Slovakia": "Slovakia",
        "Slovenia": "Slovenia",
        "Solomon Islands": "Solomon Islands",
        "Somalia": "Somalia",
        "South Africa": "South Africa",
        "South Georgia And Sandwich Isl.": "South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands",
        "South Sudan": "South Sudan",
        "Spain": "Spain",
        "Sri Lanka": "Sri Lanka",
        "Sudan": "Sudan",
        "Suriname": "Suriname",
        "Svalbard And Jan Mayen": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen",
        "Swaziland": "Eswatini",
        "Sweden": "Sweden",
        "Switzerland": "Switzerland",
        "Syrian Arab Republic": "Syria",
        "Taiwan": "Taiwan",
        "Tajikistan": "Tajikistan",
        "Tanzania": "Tanzania",
        "Thailand": "Thailand",
        "Timor-Leste": "Timor-Leste",
        "Togo": "Togo",
        "Tokelau": "Tokelau",
        "Tonga": "Tonga",
        "Trinidad And Tobago": "Trinidad and Tobago",
        "Tunisia": "Tunisia",
        "Turkey": "Turkey",
        "Turkmenistan": "Turkmenistan",
        "Turks And Caicos Islands": "Turks and Caicos Islands",
        "Tuvalu": "Tuvalu",
        "Uganda": "Uganda",
        "Ukraine": "Ukraine",
        "United Arab Emirates": "United Arab Emirates",
        "United Kingdom": "United Kingdom",
        "United States": "United States",
        "United States Outlying Islands": "U.S. Outlying Islands",
        "Uruguay": "Uruguay",
        "Uzbekistan": "Uzbekistan",
        "Vanuatu": "Vanuatu",
        "Venezuela": "Venezuela",
        "Viet Nam": "Vietnam",
        "Virgin Islands, British": "British Virgin Islands",
        "Virgin Islands, U.S.": "U.S. Virgin Islands",
        "Wallis And Futuna": "Wallis and Futuna",
        "Western Sahara": "Western Sahara",
        "Yemen": "Yemen",
        "Zambia": "Zambia",
        "Zimbabwe": "Zimbabwe",
        "Yes": "예",
        "No": "아니오",
        "Action Name": "작업명",
        "Action Initiated By": "Initiated By",
        "Action Target": "대상",
        "Action Status": "상태",
        "Action Happened At": "발생",
        "resource": "자료",
        "resources": "자료",
        "Choose date": "날짜 선택",
        "The :resource was updated!": ":resource(이)가 수정되었습니다",
        "The resource was updated!": "자료가 수정되었습니다",
        "The :resource was deleted!": ":resource(이)가 지워졌습니다!",
        "The :resource was restored!": "The :resource was restored!",
        "Increase": "상승",
        "Constant": "일정한",
        "Decrease": "감소",
        "Reset Password Notification": "비밀번호 초기화 알림",
        "Nova User": "사용자",
        "of": "of",
        "no file selected": "선택된 파일 없음",
        "Sorry, your session has expired.": "세션이 만료되었습니다.",
        "Reload": "새로고침",
        "Key": "키",
        "Value": "내용",
        "Add row": "행 추가",
        "Attach :resource": ":resource 연결",
        "Create :resource": ":resource 생성",
        "Choose :resource": ":resource 선택",
        "New :resource": "새로운 :resource",
        "Edit :resource": ":resource 수정",
        "Update :resource": ":resource 수정",
        "Choose :field": ":field 선택",
        "Download": "설치",
        "Action": "작업",
        "Changes": "변경사항",
        "Original": "Original",
        "This resource no longer exists": "더 이상 존재하지 않는 자료입니다.",
        ":resource Details": ":resource 상세정보",
        ":resource Details: :title" : ":resource 상세정보: :title",
        "There are no available options for this resource.": "There are no available options for this resource.",
        "All resources loaded.": "모든 자료가 불러와졌습니다.",
        "Load :perPage More": ":perPage 페이지 더 보기",
        ":amount Total": "총 :amount",
        "Show All Fields": "모든 필드 보기",
        "There was a problem submitting the form.": "제출 중 문제가 발생하였습니다.",
        "There was a problem executing the action.": "작업 중 문제가 발생하였습니다.",
        "Do you really want to leave? You have unsaved changes.": "저장하기전에 페이지를 벗어나시겠습니까?",
        "*": "*",
        "—": "—",
        "The file was deleted!": "파일이 삭제되었습니다!",
        "This file field is read-only.": "This file field is read-only.",
        "No additional information...": "No additional information...",
        "ID": "ID",
        "30 Days": "30일",
        "60 Days": "60일",
        "90 Days": "90일",
        "Today": "오늘",
        "Month To Date": "월별",
        "Quarter To Date": "분기별",
        "Year To Date": "연도별",
        "Customize": "커스텀",
        "Update :resource: :title": ":resource: :title 수정",
        "Update attached :resource: :title": "연관된 :resource: :title 수정",
        "Password Confirmation": "비밀번호 확인",
        "Sign Up": "회원가입",
        "Name": "이름",
        "Banner": "배너",
        "Banners": "배너",
        "User" : "사용자",
        "Users" : "사용자",
        "Admins": "관리자",
        "Admin": "관리자",
        "Category": "카테고리",
        "Categories": "카테고리",
        "Building": "매물",
        "Buildings": "매물",
        "Pop" : "팝업",
        "Pops" : "팝업",
        "Question" : "문의사항",
        "Questions" : "문의사항",
        "title" : "제목",
        "explain": "주변환경 및 참고사항",
        "location" : "소재지",
        "land_area" : "대지면적",
        "rooms" : "방개수",
        "park" : "주차대수",
        "floor" : "층수",
        "year_construction" : "건축연도",
        "sale_price" : "매매가",
        "loan_price" : "대출가능액",
        "actual_price" : "실인수가",
        "name" : "이름",
        "contact": "연락처",
        "body": "내용",
        "opened_at" : "노출시작일",
        "closed_at" : "노출종료일",
        "email" : "이메일",
        "password" : "비밀번호"


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