input date 캘린더 꾸미는법 #date #calendar #캘린더 #input프론트엔드/CSS 2023. 7. 20. 23:53
.m-input-date.type01 input { padding:10px 16px 10px 16px; border-radius:10px; color:rgb(75,86,117); background-color:rgb(249,249,249); border: 1px solid #eee; } .m-input-date.type01 input[type="date"]::-webkit-calendar-picker-indicator, .m-input-date.type01 input[type="date"]::-webkit-inner-spin-button, .m-input-date.type01 input[type="date"]::-webkit-clear-button { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); opac..
Nuxt 채팅 구현하기 #pusher #nuxt #vue #laravel프론트엔드/Nuxt 2023. 4. 26. 22:55
# What?- nuxt에 pusher 세팅하기 # How?npm install pusher-js {{message.body}} * 주의사항 laravel broadcastOn할 때 PrivateChannel 아닌 그냥 Channel 써야함@ MessageCreated.phpmessage = MessageResource::make($message); // $this->dontBroadcastToCurrentUser(); } /** * Get the channels the event should broadcast on. * * @return \Illuminate\Broadcasting\..